
P2 (Professional Plug-in). See Panasonic P2 cards
Packet Duration Limit option IV-260
packets IV-260
Packet Size Limit option IV-260
Page Peel transition II-390, IV-151
paired track names II-304
PAL format III-373, IV-377
24 @ 25 PAL format II-449, II-451
color bar standards III-540
contrast levels III-544
described I-23, IV-465
equipment I-179
fps IV-406
frame rates IV-409
non-drop frame timecode II-441
OfflineRT format and IV-61
recompressing IV-93
PAL monitors IV-438
adjusting for clips III-89–III-91, III-120–III-121
audio tracks III-73
changing in Timeline III-118
controlling with keyframes III-89–III-91, III-123–
III-127, III-133–III-135
control surfaces and III-100
copying settings III-329
overlays III-121
recording keyframes III-93–III-96
recording pan automation III-77
setting in Viewer III-119–III-121
pan, controlling with keyframes III-98–III-100,
Panasonice P2 cards IV-465
Panasonic P2 cards
See also Broadcast HD formats I-321
Panasonic RS-232 protocol IV-355
Panasonic RS-422 protocol IV-355
Pan attribute III-121
pan controls III-90, III-100
Pan Keyframe button II-291, III-124
Pan keyframe navigation buttons II-291, III-124
pan keyframes III-188
deleting III-99
modifying III-98
recording III-93
recording with control surfaces III-108
pan overlay II-289, II-291, III-121
Pan slider II-290
Pan sliders III-73, III-119–III-121
Parade scope III-512, III-518–III-519, IV-465
parallel (Ultra) ATA disks I-213
parameter controls III-224
parameters III-260, III-363

parameters. See motion parameters, threshold
parameter, etc.
parent sequences II-416, II-421
partial reveals III-405
Particle Noise generator III-448, III-452
multiple I-207
naming I-39
passive speakers III-54
passthrough mode IV-225
Paste Attributes dialog III-121, III-166, III-232, III-261,
III-266, III-327–III-330
Paste command I-57
pasting clip attributes III-327–III-330
pasting clips
in sequences II-414
in Timeline II-196–II-199
patching tracks I-115
patch panel IV-475
master and affiliate clips and IV-48
motion IV-463
reconnecting media files IV-77
paths, motion. See motion paths
paths to media files I-35
PCI audio interface cards I-174, I-191
PCI cards
Fibre Channel I-217
FireWire cards I-214
PCI video interface cards I-176, I-177
.pct extension IV-296
PDF format I-328
peak meters III-60, IV-465
peaks IV-314, IV-465
keyframing III-92
overview III-57
Peaks Only setting IV-314
Pen Delete tool III-293
Pen Smooth tool III-293, III-315
Pen tool II-129
pen tools III-113, III-293, III-295, IV-314
“Pen tools can edit locked item overlays”
option II-129
perceived frame rates IV-406
percentages in transitions II-399
audio mixing and real-time effects III-636
fragmentation and IV-440
maximizing real-time playback III-633
mixdown audio and III-656
problems with IV-444
performance, waveforms and II-301
persistence of vision IV-406
perspective filters III-250
phase, sound waves and III-19
phase (hue) IV-465
Phase Alternating Line format (PAL). See PAL format
Phase Alternating Line format. See PAL format
phase cancellation I-196, III-19
Photo JPEG codec IV-114, IV-401
Photo JPEG format I-208, I-210, III-638, IV-61, IV-234
Photoshop files I-316, I-328, III-408
adding and deleting layers III-409
compositing and III-407
flattening III-376
as titles III-480
Photoshop format IV-234, IV-285
photo tables III-379
PICS format I-316, IV-234
PICT file format I-316, I-328, III-282, IV-234, IV-296,
picture aspect ratios. See aspect ratio
See also letterboxing
pitch III-20, III-21
Pixel Aspect property IV-41, IV-47
pixel aspect ratio III-369–III-374, III-377, IV-47, IV-363,
IV-375, IV-384, IV-465, IV-466
Pixel Aspect setting IV-363
described IV-465
graphics creation and III-369
non-square III-371–III-374
per line in video frames IV-383
pixel aspect ratio I-320
square III-371–III-374
square and non-square I-84
pixels per inch measurements III-370
plain text files IV-159
planning in post-production process I-17
platform-compatible files IV-67
Play Around Current Frame button II-106, IV-205
Play Around Edit Loop button II-361
disabling clips III-418
dropped frames and IV-308
external monitors and I-222–I-225
keyboard controls I-79, I-94
Log and Capture window I-240
looping I-105, III-170, IV-224, IV-461
options IV-224
playing clips in reverse III-343, III-344
problems during IV-125–IV-126, IV-438–IV-442
quality I-85
QuickView tab III-642–III-643
real-time effects settings III-622–III-640
render bars III-620
reverse playback I-100
settings IV-320, IV-367
speed III-260, III-337–III-344
stopping I-100
testing IV-221

voiceover controls III-142
Playback Control tab I-230, III-622, IV-320
playback drops. See dropped frames
playback indicators III-641
Playback Offset field IV-353
playback settings IV-193
Playback Video Quality option III-628
Play Base Layer Only feature III-627
Play button II-362, IV-204
Play command IV-224
playhead IV-466
in Canvas I-91, I-95–I-96
described I-80, I-95
extending marker duration to II-68
jumping I-133
keyboard shortcuts III-554
locked in Timeline and Canvas I-132
moving I-96, I-107–I-108, I-133
moving in Timeline IV-225
moving markers with II-65
moving to In and Out points II-115
moving to markers II-62, II-63
moving to Out point IV-224
navigating between keyframes III-125
navigating in Timeline I-132–I-139
playing around current frame II-106
playing clips around current position of I-101
play time before and after IV-224
positioning I-94, I-133
positioning in Timeline IV-224
selected items and II-172
synchronizing in windows II-277, II-434–II-437
in Timeline I-112, I-117
in Viewer I-76, I-80–I-81
playhead sync options II-277
Playhead Sync pop-up menu I-76, I-86–I-87, I-92,
I-98, II-434, II-436–II-437
playing clips
around current playhead position I-101
disabling tracks II-129–II-130
between In and Out points I-101
keyboard shortcuts II-365
looping playback I-105
Multiclip Playback mode II-276–II-278
multiclips II-244
native speed II-442
navigating through clips I-100–I-102
playing every frame I-102
in reverse I-100
reviewing edit points II-105
setting In and Out points II-104
in Trim Edit window II-361, II-362, II-368
Play In to Out button II-361, IV-204
play through capture presets IV-341
Playthru Device option I-252
PLUGE bars III-542
plug-ins IV-444
PNG format I-316, IV-234
PNTG format I-316, IV-234
point controls III-228
pointers, reference movies IV-238
Point Iris transition IV-151
point-to-point connections I-217
Pond Ripple filter III-244
pop sounds III-130, III-178
Port setting IV-352
poster frames I-65, I-70
Posterize filter III-251
post-production IV-466
described I-16
managing color during III-548–III-551
in moviemaking process I-16
workflow I-16–I-20
post-roll settings IV-224, IV-310, IV-354
power failures, reopening projects after IV-23
audio/video (A/V) sync and IV-308
audio output IV-316
deleting Preferences file IV-316
editing IV-309
effects III-638–III-639, IV-322
general II-73
labels II-24–II-26, IV-315
memory and cache IV-319–IV-320
playback control IV-320
render IV-309
scratch disks I-162, I-165–I-166, I-207, I-281,
search paths IV-318
sound volume of systems III-52
Timeline I-125, IV-315
user preferences IV-303–IV-316
Preferences file
deleting IV-316, IV-334
presets in IV-328
Premiere Pro systems IV-65
preproduction in moviemaking process I-15
Pre-read Edits setting IV-138
pre-roll frames I-292
pre-roll header for voiceover III-150
pre-roll settings IV-224, IV-310, IV-354
Preset Editor window IV-330, IV-331
presets IV-349–IV-353, IV-466
See also settings
audio-only capture presets I-305
audio output III-41
capture presets. See capture presets
changing IV-326–IV-328
choosing IV-327–IV-328
creating IV-330–IV-331
customizing IV-333
deleting IV-332

device control presets. See device control presets
differing video rates and timecode II-450
displaying summary of IV-325
editing IV-331
installing IV-336
locked IV-329
obtaining additional IV-336
online editing and IV-64
overview IV-324–IV-325
rendering settings III-663
sequence presets II-73, II-85, III-659–III-667
sequence presets. See sequence presets
viewing settings for IV-329
working with IV-324–IV-336
Preview area I-240, I-252
Preview edit button IV-214
preview editing IV-199
In and Out points II-105
transitions II-409
previewing audio I-298
previewing edits IV-214
previewing video
Digital Cinema Desktop Preview feature I-226–
external monitors I-221
Preview Post-roll setting IV-310
Preview Pre-roll setting IV-310
Previous Frame button II-362
primary color correction III-559, III-561
to video IV-354
to videotape IV-219, IV-220–IV-222
Print setting IV-207
Print to Tape command IV-193
Print to Video operations I-224, III-640
described IV-219, IV-466
limitations IV-190
mastering settings IV-205
process IV-220–IV-222
timecode breaks and IV-200
Proc Amp filter III-245
processing amplifiers (proc amps) III-535, III-536,
processing capabilities III-620
processing delays (video latency) I-230
production in moviemaking process I-15
professional equipment
analog audio I-199
audio equipment I-196, I-199
high definition video equipment I-185
synchronizing I-200
video equipment I-182
programs IV-466
progressive video scanning IV-363, IV-375, IV-386,
IV-387, IV-399
Project area (Media Manager) IV-97
project files II-76, IV-88
project interchange
audio postproduction III-183
EDLs and IV-129
Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format IV-153
non–Final Cut Pro systems and IV-65
online editing and IV-58
project interchange formats
Final Cut Pro support I-22
importing I-238
Project Properties window II-444
adding bins to II-16
archiving IV-23–IV-24, IV-119
autosaving open projects II-73
backing up and restoring II-76–II-77
capturing process I-245
changing properties of II-75
closing I-34, I-35
components of I-27–I-31
consolidating files IV-117
copying sequences between II-88
copying sequences to IV-111
creating I-32
deleting items from I-58
described I-30, IV-466
documentary-style I-251
exporting XML files IV-153
filenaming schemes I-37–I-38, I-251
importing XML files IV-160
logging I-245
Media Manager settings IV-97
missing files and IV-83
multiple open projects II-74
narratives I-251
opening I-34
organizing I-32, II-15–II-26
project files II-76
prompting for new settings IV-307
Redo command I-52
redoing changes in II-94
reopening after power failures IV-23
reopening automatically IV-307
reopening by default II-74
restoring IV-22
reverting II-77
reverting to previous state IV-19
saving I-33, II-73
searching for items in II-31–II-34
selecting items for Media Manager IV-90, IV-106
sequences in I-32, II-84, II-85
space requirements I-210
switching between I-35
times and dates notations I-39
transferring IV-16, IV-66

transferring sequences IV-89
types of clips II-78–II-80
undoing changes in I-52, II-94
updating earlier versions of IV-24–IV-28
working on multiple workstations IV-17
working with II-74–II-75
Prompt checkbox (Logging tab) I-261
Prompt window (Logging tab) I-251
clip properties II-80–II-84
clips IV-36–IV-42
independent clips IV-52
master and affiliate clips IV-33, IV-45, IV-47, IV-52
media files IV-46
project properties II-75
start and end timecode II-84
properties in Browser columns I-59
Property name pop-up menu II-30
Protocol setting IV-350
PSD format IV-234
pull-down insertion IV-466
pull-down options IV-341
pull-down patterns III-630–III-631, IV-466
punctuation marks in file names I-38
Push Slide transition II-391, IV-151
Push transition II-391