![background image](https://i.helpnox.com/Final Cut Pro 6/en_US/Final Cut Pro 6_en_US2014.png)
S/PDIF digital audio I-188, I-199
Safe RT mode III-625, III-629
sample clocks I-307
sample rate conversion IV-306
Sample Rate options III-198
sample rates III-198, IV-258, IV-264
audio interfaces I-189
audio-only capturing IV-347
capture presets IV-346
consumer audio I-199
conversion I-323, IV-306
digital audio III-29
DVD audio IV-272
exported audio III-194
imported video I-320
mismatched IV-443
overview I-323–I-325
sample rate conversion III-649
sampling, described IV-469
sampling ratio IV-389
sequence presets IV-364
settings III-39
video formats IV-376, IV-389
voiceover III-144
samples per line in video frames IV-383
SAN (storage area networks) IV-18, IV-469
SATA disks I-214
saturation III-535, IV-469
adjusting III-573
adjustments to III-583
broadcast safe controls III-528
Chroma Keyer filter III-433
comparing in Waveform Monitor III-514
controlling III-604
described III-511
font color III-478
oversaturation III-578, III-583
Saturation control III-604
saturation controls III-573, III-582–III-583
Saturation slider III-539, III-573, III-582, III-583
Save All command I-33
Save Normally option I-330
Save Project command I-33
Save Window Layout command I-145
saving items IV-20–IV-22, IV-307
autosave feature II-77
favorite transitions II-386
files II-77
keyboard shortcut layouts I-146, I-152
projects I-33, II-73
QuickTime movies I-330
shortcut button bars I-158
track layouts II-133
window layouts I-144
saving render files III-675
Scale Attribute Times option III-166, III-328
scale handles III-276
Scale slider III-258
Scale to Sequence command III-370, III-377
scale value IV-469
scaling items
clips III-278
graphics III-370, III-372
images and clips to match sequences III-377
scaling Timeline to fit window I-138
scanned images I-332
scanning methods
high definition video formats IV-400
video formats IV-375, IV-386
SCART connector I-179
scene numbers I-260
Scene property IV-41, IV-45
scenes IV-469
scoring markers II-55, II-60, II-62, IV-243
scratch disks
consolidating project files IV-117
data rates IV-306
described IV-469
free space I-240
heat buildup I-212
managing render files III-672
preferences I-165–I-166, I-207, IV-317
preparing for batch capture I-273
removable media I-209
removing I-166
selecting I-244, I-245
separating audio and video I-166
setup I-162
speed of III-625
types of I-213–I-217
Scratch Disks dialog I-282
scratch disk speed II-278
Scratch Disks tab I-165–I-166, I-207, IV-317
Screen compositing mode III-400
scripts IV-29, IV-469
logging and I-269
in moviemaking process I-15
through audio clips II-296
through tracks II-133–II-135
in Timeline II-133–II-135
in Viewer II-262
![background image](https://i.helpnox.com/Final Cut Pro 6/en_US/Final Cut Pro 6_en_US2015.png)
Scrolling Text generator III-475
scrolling through clips III-302
scrolling through sequences I-138
scrubber bar I-76, I-80, I-91, I-95, I-102, II-291, II-294,
II-361, III-641, IV-469
scrubbing IV-320, IV-469
audio scrubbing II-297
in clips I-67–I-68, I-102
in sequences in Timeline I-133
in thumbnails I-65
turning off II-297
Scrub tool (for multiclip angles) II-267
Scrub Video tool I-68, IV-470
SCSI cables I-215
SCSI disk drives I-215
SCSI interface cards I-215
SD (Standard Definition) video IV-384
SD (standard definition) video III-371, III-373, III-380
Final Cut Pro support I-22
upconverting III-695–III-696
SD2 format. See Sound Designer II format
SDI format I-180
SDI inputs I-219
SDI-to-Composite converters I-219
SDTI (Serial Digital Transport Interface) I-181
SD video
non-square pixels I-84
SD video See SD (Standard Definition) video
Search command II-29
Search Folders tab IV-318
searching for items. See finding items
Search option II-29
SECAM format I-23, IV-377, IV-470
seek time I-209, I-213
Select All command II-182
Select All Tracks Backward tool II-175
Select All Tracks Forward tool II-175
Select Color eyedropper III-604
Selected Items in Logging Bin option I-275
selecting items
all clips in sequence II-182
all clips on tracks II-180
Auto Select controls II-185–II-188
clips in Timeline II-176–II-178
current selections in Timeline II-171–II-173
deselecting II-178
forward or backward in tracks II-181
linked items II-221
Option key shortcuts II-196
for trim edits II-344–II-346
selecting items in Browser I-55
Selection tool I-68, II-174, III-276, IV-470
selection tools II-174, II-176, II-184–II-185, II-344
Select Preset option IV-142
Select Track Backward tool II-175, II-181
Select Track Forward tool II-175, II-181, II-204
Select Track tool II-175, II-180, II-181
self-contained movies I-330, IV-238–IV-241, IV-259
self-powered speakers III-50, III-54
Sepia filter III-245
sequence clips I-123, II-212, III-218
described II-78, IV-34, IV-470
duration II-212
In and Out points II-429
independent clips II-430, II-433
master clips for II-430–II-433
match frame operations II-431, II-433
media files for II-432
offline IV-64
opening II-292, II-350, II-428
sprocket holes II-428
switching to Canvas or Timeline II-429
in Viewer II-427–II-430
sequence icon IV-35
Sequence Preset Editor II-450, III-663, IV-236, IV-343
sequence presets
audio IV-364, IV-368
described IV-324, IV-361
general settings IV-362–IV-363
loading IV-370
new sequences and IV-307
prompting for II-73, II-85
rendering IV-366
settings IV-362–IV-371
timecode rates in II-450
Timeline options IV-366
Sequence Presets tab II-450, IV-362
See also sequence clips
adding clips to II-91, II-94–II-96
adding tracks to II-120–II-121, II-142
adjusting master levels III-88
anamorphic media and IV-432, IV-433
applying filters to clips III-218
audio sample rate conversion I-324
avoiding nested II-422–II-426
batch exporting IV-291–IV-299
capturing clips I-276
changing settings for IV-370–IV-371
chapter, compression, and scoring markers II-60
closing I-90, I-113, II-86
copying III-186, IV-89
copying between projects II-88
copying clips to or from II-411, II-412–II-415
copying portions of IV-112
copying to new projects IV-111
creating I-55, II-84–II-85
creating offline copies IV-113
default number of tracks II-85
deleting clips from II-200–II-202
deleting from projects I-58
deleting tracks from II-122
![background image](https://i.helpnox.com/Final Cut Pro 6/en_US/Final Cut Pro 6_en_US2016.png)
deleting transitions from II-382
described I-29, II-80, IV-34, IV-470
dragging between projects II-88
duplicating II-87, III-186
editing clips into II-165–II-166, II-422–II-426
editing keyboard shortcuts II-425
editing timebase IV-361
exporting IV-275, IV-287–IV-289
exporting 16:9 anamorphic video IV-435, IV-436
exporting as batch lists I-312
exporting as EDLs IV-134
exporting as QuickTime movies IV-236, IV-237–
exporting audio from IV-235
exporting for DVDs IV-267
frame rates IV-361
gaps in II-167–II-168, II-202–II-205
high-resolution settings IV-60
image sequences I-316, IV-247, IV-287, IV-287–
In and Out points II-106–II-114, II-146, II-165
letterboxing IV-434
limitations on I-117
locked tracks in II-128–II-129
looping IV-224
low-resolution settings IV-60
markers II-54, II-57, II-59
marking controls I-91
matching audio for I-82, I-97
matching video for I-82, I-97
mixed-format III-679–III-680
modifying timecode II-449–II-450
moving playhead I-95
moving transitions in II-380
multiclip sequences II-251–II-260
multiple open sequences II-412
nested III-196, IV-150, IV-463
nested sequences II-80, II-89, II-411, II-416–II-421,
numbered I-328–I-332
numbered images IV-287, IV-289
number of open sequences IV-440
opening I-90, I-113, II-86, II-412
opening clips from II-350
organizing in projects I-32
parent sequences II-416
playback options IV-224
playing I-79, I-94
presets IV-324, IV-371
prompting for new settings IV-307
reconnecting to media IV-89
renaming I-58
render files for III-674
rendering III-651–III-659
rendering process and II-408–II-409
rendering transitions in I-123, III-647
render settings III-663, IV-366
rerendering IV-241
scrolling through I-138
scrubbing I-133
searching for items in II-183–II-184
selecting all clips in II-182
selecting for Media Manager IV-89, IV-106
sequence order in Browser II-96–II-98
setting In and Out points for I-82, I-97
setting keyframes for I-82, I-97
setting markers for I-82, I-97
settings II-73, II-89–II-90, IV-370–IV-371
sorting II-27–II-28
tabs in Timeline I-114
Timeline settings IV-366
transitions and II-371–II-380, II-384, II-403–II-404,
updating earlier versions of IV-28
video processing settings III-659–III-667
video rates in II-450
Sequence Settings window I-124–I-129, II-304,
II-449, III-191, IV-370, IV-371
sequential track names II-304
serial ATA disks I-213, I-214
serial cables IV-355
serial device control I-186
calibrating timecode IV-357
described IV-356
guidelines IV-360
Protocol setting IV-351
using IV-356
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) format I-180
Serial Digital Transport Interface (SDTI) I-181
“Servo Can’t Lock” message IV-441
Set Default Transition command II-386
Set Logging Bin command I-256
Set Marker button I-262
Set Marker In button I-262
Set Marker Out button I-262
See also preferences; presets; specific settings
audio I-77
AVI QuickTime files IV-265–IV-266
Batch Capture dialog I-274–I-276, I-277–I-278
batch exports IV-293–IV-298
camcorder IV-192
clips III-537–III-539
clip speed III-344
described IV-316
device control IV-194, IV-209
device control presets IV-350–IV-353
Easy Setups II-89
Edit to Tape IV-201–IV-208
EDL export IV-134, IV-135–IV-139
EDL import IV-141–IV-142
effects I-78, III-638–III-639, IV-322
![background image](https://i.helpnox.com/Final Cut Pro 6/en_US/Final Cut Pro 6_en_US2017.png)
external editors IV-321
external monitors I-222–I-225
filters I-78
Filters tab III-224–III-226
frame offsets I-230
generators I-79
image sequences IV-287–IV-289
imported video I-320
Internet streaming IV-259–IV-260
keyframing III-291–III-301
labels II-23–II-26
memory and cache IV-319–IV-320
motion I-78, III-256–III-273, III-282–III-285
OMF audio III-197
paste attributes III-232
playback quality IV-320
presets IV-329
QuickTime IV-249–IV-260
QuickTime sound IV-257–IV-258
QuickTime video IV-249–IV-257
rendering III-659–III-662
scratch disks IV-317
search paths IV-318
sequence presets III-659–III-667, IV-361
sequences II-73, II-89–II-90, IV-370–IV-371
system III-638–III-639
System Settings window IV-316–IV-322
thumbnail cache IV-320
timecode II-447–II-448
Timeline II-89–II-90
Timeline recording IV-224
transitions II-402
Trim Edit window II-360–II-364
video decks IV-192
video filters III-224–III-226
video processing III-662–III-663
Video Processing tab III-659, III-662–III-667
Y´CbCr color space III-507–III-511
Settings button IV-294–IV-296
Settings option IV-249, IV-297
setup in post-production process I-18
SGI format I-316, IV-234, IV-470
shadows, detail in III-586
Shake files I-316
Shapes generator III-453
Sharpen filter III-250
Shift key II-178
shooting ratios I-32, I-209
shooting scripts I-269
shortcut buttons I-46, I-146, I-155–I-158
shortcut menus IV-297, IV-470
using I-46–I-47
viewing I-46–I-47
Shot/Take field I-260
Shot/Take property IV-41, IV-45
shot-reverse-shot editing III-565
shots IV-470
Show as Sq. Pixels setting I-84
Show Audio Waveforms option I-126
Show Current command I-225
Show Duplicate Frames option II-388
Show Match Frame button I-82, I-97
Show Multiclip Angles command II-278
Show Multiclip Overlays command II-263
Show Overlays command II-102
Show Timecode Overlays command II-445
Show Tooltips option IV-307
shuffle edits II-194–II-195, IV-470, IV-473
shuttle control II-361
in Canvas I-91, I-96
described IV-470
in Edit to Tape window IV-202
in Viewer I-76, I-81
Log and Capture window I-241
navigating through clips I-103–I-104
shuttling IV-470
sibilant sounds III-160
signal-to-noise ratio III-24, IV-470
sine waves III-18
Single Frames option I-225
Size option IV-249
Size property IV-41, IV-46
slate IV-206, IV-471
Slate buttons I-259
slide edits II-318–II-321, II-384, IV-471
slider controls III-227
sliders IV-471
Slide tool II-175, II-319
Slide transition II-391
sliding frames
to new times III-356
Time Remap tool III-354
slip edits IV-471
clips with transitions II-384
performing II-321–II-325
slipping both edit points II-117
subframe units II-309
Slip into Sync command II-222, II-224
Slip Item tool II-117
Slip Others into Sync command II-226
Slip tool II-175, II-224, II-235, II-321
slow motion III-337
strobe effects III-260, III-342
in time graph III-360
slow motion effects IV-405, IV-407
slug (black) II-379, III-448, III-450, IV-225, IV-471
SmoothCam filter
and the Media Manager III-468
described III-455–III-456
Motion analysis data III-468
troubleshooting III-469
using III-456–III-467
![background image](https://i.helpnox.com/Final Cut Pro 6/en_US/Final Cut Pro 6_en_US2018.png)
smoothing keyframes III-307, III-310
Smooth Point tool II-129
SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television
Engineers) organization IV-471
SMPTE standard timecode II-439
SMPTE timecode I-25, IV-354
SMPTE wipe pattern II-380
moving clips with snap points II-66
playhead to markers II-63
in scrubber bar I-95
in Timeline I-121, II-189–II-190
trimming and II-343
turning on/off II-190
in Viewer I-80
Snapping button II-190, II-343, IV-471
snapping playheads IV-471
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
(SMPTE) I-25
Soft Edges filter III-218, III-249, III-444
softening items
color corrected images III-604
desaturation effects III-611
edges of keyed subjects III-434, III-437
Softening slider III-604
Softness slider III-259
software real-time effects IV-61–IV-65
audio mixing and III-636
codecs III-638
settings III-622–III-640
still frames III-632
software updates I-11
Solarize filter III-251
solid-state memory cards I-321
solo button I-120, III-73, III-84
solo controls III-81
Solo Item command III-420
Sony 5000 format IV-142, IV-145
Sony 9100 format IV-145
Sony LANC protocol IV-355
Sony RS-232 protocol IV-354
Sony RS-422 protocol IV-354
Sony VISCA protocol IV-355
sorting items
bins II-27–II-28
in Browser II-27–II-28
clips II-26, II-27–II-28, II-97
clips in EDLs IV-135
importance of IV-15
sequences II-27–II-28
SOT (Sound On Tape) IV-471
See also audio
musical sounds III-21, III-22
sound cues III-144
sound effects III-181
sound effects tracks III-185
sound waves III-18
sound. See audio
sound bytes IV-471
Sound Designer II format I-315, IV-59, IV-235
sound effects IV-471
Sound On Tape (SOT) IV-471
sound recordists IV-472
Sound Settings dialog III-190
Soundtrack Pro III-201–III-213
opening items in III-202
soundtracks IV-471
Source, Audio Merged option IV-135
source capture presets IV-343
source clips I-115, I-286, II-110
Source controls I-115
disconnecting II-125–II-126, II-143
resetting II-127
in Timeline II-123
source frames
sliding to new times III-357
variable speed settings and III-355
source media IV-472
breaking links to IV-74–IV-76
Media Manager operations and IV-107
reconnecting clips to IV-76–IV-83
Source Media File command II-433
source media files II-37, II-433
See also media files
source monitors I-99, IV-472
Source pop-up menu III-70, III-78
Source property I-35, II-80, IV-42, IV-45, IV-48, IV-74
Source tab IV-345
source tapes IV-472
adjusting III-539–III-540
described I-36
in EDLs IV-130
reel names IV-145, IV-146–IV-147
Source TC checkbox II-448
source time II-75, II-443, II-445
source timecode II-440
source timecode tracks II-443
Space bar I-100
in Trim Edit window II-362
spaces in button bars I-157
spacing, text III-479
spatial compression IV-344
speakers I-173
amplified speakers III-53
configuring III-50
dynamic range III-54
external IV-439
frequency response III-54
passive III-54
placement III-56
problems with IV-439, IV-443
![background image](https://i.helpnox.com/Final Cut Pro 6/en_US/Final Cut Pro 6_en_US2019.png)
quality III-53
self-powered III-54
television speakers III-67
volume settings III-53
special characters in clip names IV-17
special characters in filenames I-38
special effects IV-223, IV-472
of clips IV-477
speed, processing
rendering and III-645
scratch disks and III-625
Speed dialog III-344
speed effects III-196
speed indicator area III-349
speed indicators I-121, I-129, III-168, III-323, III-350–
III-353, IV-472
speed of clips
clip duration and III-338
constant speed III-341, III-344
copying settings III-329
fit to fill edits and III-339
Frame Blending III-342
graphical displays in Timeline III-348–III-349
keyboard modifiers III-356
in motion paths III-317
multiclips II-279
native speed II-75
reverse speed III-342
settings III-337–III-363
smoothing slow motion with Motion Blur III-343
speed indicator area III-349
speed indicators III-350–III-353
timecode and II-442, III-363
time remapping and III-260, III-353–III-363
variable speed III-342, III-345, III-348–III-363
speed of clips, varying I-103
speed of scratch disks II-278
speed settings IV-101, IV-150
Spill Suppressor - Blue filter III-247, III-428
Spill Suppressor - Green filter III-247, III-428
Spin3D transition II-389, IV-151
Spinback3D transition II-389, IV-151
spindle speed I-209, I-213
Spin Slide transition II-391, IV-151
split editing IV-133
split edit points II-114, II-235–II-236
split edits IV-472
asymmetrical edits II-332
audio cuts and II-313–II-314
audio editing tips II-286
changing simple edits to II-234
clearing II-236
described II-231
examples II-237–II-240
modifying II-235–II-236
performing II-237–II-240
setting up II-233–II-236
split edit points II-233–II-234
in Viewer or Canvas II-232
splits IV-472
split screen display III-557, III-594
Split Slide transition II-391, IV-152
split stereo files III-28
spotlight effects III-405
spreadsheets I-310
sprocket holes I-74, II-428
square pixels III-371–III-374, IV-385
Squeeze and Stretch transition II-392, IV-152
Squeeze transition II-392, IV-152
S sounds III-160
standard columns I-60
standard definition video. See SD video
standard definition video formats IV-377, IV-401
standard element timing IV-208
Standard window layout I-144
standing waves III-55
Star Iris transition IV-151
Start/End Percentages slider II-399
start/stop metadata I-283
Starting option for timecode II-448
starting points for filters III-222, III-226
starting timecode II-257–II-258, II-448, II-449
starting timecode delta II-253, II-257
“Starting timecode delta” option II-253
Starting Timecode field I-125
Starting Timecode number field II-449
Star transition II-390
Start Time setting IV-139
startup disks I-212
static regions II-133–II-135, IV-472
status of voiceover recordings III-142
Status option IV-297
stem mixes III-191
stereo audio III-26–III-28
channels I-264, III-190
choosing in presets III-41
described IV-473
levels III-60–III-61
stereo pairs IV-473
Stereo Grouping buttons IV-369
Stereo Mixed option III-46, IV-365
Stereo output IV-257
stereo pairs I-122, I-297, I-300
adjusting levels III-86
creating II-306–II-307
described II-228
filters and III-162
nested sequences II-417
paired track names II-304
pan and III-116, III-118
panning II-290
![background image](https://i.helpnox.com/Final Cut Pro 6/en_US/Final Cut Pro 6_en_US2020.png)
separating II-307
settings III-116
waveforms II-294
stereo pan III-73, III-133–III-135, III-188
stereo systems I-221
Still/Freeze Duration field IV-310
Still Cache III-632
still cache settings IV-320
still frames. See still images
still frames See still images
still images
See also graphics
still image icon IV-35
still images I-316, I-328
See also graphics
adding camera motion to III-379–III-385
alpha channels III-376
bit depth III-370
clips IV-32
color settings III-375
duration of III-378–III-379
exporting III-367, IV-247, IV-285–IV-287
flattening layers III-376, III-380
freeze frames III-366
importing III-407–III-409
overview III-365
pixels and III-369–III-374
in QuickTime files IV-229
real-time playback III-632
resolution III-369–III-371
scaling III-370, III-377
sequences IV-287
as titles III-480
STML text IV-246
Stop button II-361, IV-204
Stop Motion Blur filter III-252
stop-motion photography IV-408
batch capture I-278
playback I-100
stopping processes
Edit to Tape process IV-193
Media Manager processes IV-108
storage area networks (SAN) IV-18, IV-469
storage disks. See scratch disks
storage medium for video formats IV-376
storyboards II-97–II-98, II-138–II-139, IV-473
straight alpha channel III-412
straight cuts IV-473
straight edits II-207–II-209
described IV-473
QuickTime files IV-259–IV-264
stretch transitions II-392
SMPTE wipe code IV-152
Strip Existing Extension option IV-296, IV-297
strobe effects III-260, III-342
Strobe filter III-252
stuttering IV-442
stylize filters III-251
subclip icon IV-35
subclips II-35–II-43
automatically creating I-283
creating I-262
creating automatically II-39
creating media files for IV-115
described I-28, I-35, II-78, IV-32, IV-473
duration II-40
independent clips II-41
independent media files II-42
logging I-237
as master clips IV-47
master clips and II-38
Media Manager processes and IV-100
names IV-97
recapturing I-288
source files for II-37
subclip limits II-38
turning markers into I-262, II-39
using with mixed-frame rate sequences III-687
subframe audio adjustments II-51, II-305–II-309,
subframe keyframes III-130–III-132, III-178
subpixels III-479
Subtract compositing mode III-398
Summary area (Media Manager) IV-91
Summary tab IV-325, IV-333, IV-335
super (superimpose) output I-310
Super 16 format IV-473
Super 8 format IV-473
super-black IV-473
superimpose edits I-92, III-389, IV-473
described II-149
destination tracks and II-127
keyboard shortcuts II-148
performing II-162–II-164
superimpose output I-310
superimposition effects III-418
“super out” outputs IV-358
super-whites III-375, III-509, III-537, III-559, IV-473
Support ID IV-444
support websites I-11
surround sound IV-273
sustained transfer speed I-209, I-213
S-VHS format IV-414
S-Video connectors I-178
S-Video format IV-388, IV-473
S-Video signals I-178, IV-379
Swap button III-557
swap edits. See shuffle edits
Swap Slide transition II-391, IV-152
sweetening audio IV-58, IV-474
![background image](https://i.helpnox.com/Final Cut Pro 6/en_US/Final Cut Pro 6_en_US2021.png)
Swing transition II-389, IV-151
switching angles II-270–II-272, II-280
symbols in filenames I-38
sync beeps III-186–III-188
sync color coding I-109, I-110
“Synchronize using” pop-up menu II-247
angles in multiclips II-247
music II-308
playhead in windows II-434–II-437
video and audio. See merged clips
synchronizing audio decks IV-347
audio I-305
playheads I-87
sync points II-46, II-227, II-248
sync relationships IV-474
anchor items II-217
audio-video sync II-213–II-214
linking items II-218
marking clips as in sync II-227
merged clips II-220
multiple audio items II-217–II-218
out-of-sync indicators II-214–II-216
reasons for breaking sync II-226
resyncing clips II-222–II-226
ripple edits and II-330
selecting linked items II-221
tips II-286
unlinking items II-220
sync signals I-308
Sync Time column II-247, II-253
synthesized clips. See generator clips
System 7 Sound format I-315, IV-235, IV-247
System Settings window IV-316–IV-322
system sounds III-52