Final Cut Pro 6 - Duration of Merged Clips

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Duration of Merged Clips

The beginning, end, and overall duration of a merged clip depend on the method you
used to synchronize the original clips:

 If you synchronized all of the original clips using In points, the beginning of the

resulting merged clip corresponds to the In point you used, and all clips line up at
that point. The end of this merged clip corresponds to the end of the clip with the
latest timecode value.


Merged clip



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Chapter 3

Merging Clips from Dual System Video and Audio



 If you synchronized all of the original clips using Out points, the end of the resulting

merged clip corresponds to the Out point you used, and all clips line up at that point.
The beginning of this merged clip corresponds to the beginning of the clip with the
earliest timecode value.

 If you synchronized all of the original clips using timecode, the beginning of the

resulting merged clip corresponds to the beginning of the clip with the earliest
timecode value, and the end of the resulting merged clip corresponds to the end of
the clip with the latest timecode value.

Gaps appear in a particular track if one or more items in a merged clip is shorter than
all the others, but they cause no problems.




Merged clip




Merged clip

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Part I

Organizing Footage and Preparing to Edit