Final Cut Pro 6 - Reviewing Your Edit Points

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Reviewing Your Edit Points

When you’ve set the In and Out points you think you want to use, check your edit
points to make sure that you’ve included all the frames you need for the clip
you’re editing.

To view your clip from its In point to its Out point, do one of the following:


Click the Play In to Out button.


Press Shift-\ (backslash).


Choose Mark > Play > In to Out.

To view your clip from the position of the playhead to the clip’s Out point:


Position the playhead where you want to start viewing your clip.


Choose Mark > Play > To Out (or press Shift-P).

To get a quick sense of what material is around a specific point in your clip, you can use
the Play Around Current Frame option. This plays a section of your clip from before the
current frame (based on a pre-roll setting) through the amount of time specified by the
post-roll setting. (The preview pre-roll and post-roll settings are in the General tab of
the User Preferences window. To change these settings, see Volume IV, Chapter 23,
“Choosing Settings and Preferences.”)

Mark Clip button

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Part II

Rough Editing

To view your clip around the position of the playhead:


Position the playhead where you want to view your clip.


Do one of the following:

 Click the Play Around Current Frame button.
 Choose Mark > Play > Around.
 Press \ (backslash).