Final Cut Pro 6 - Performing Precise Slide Edits Numerically

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Performing Precise Slide Edits Numerically

If you need to slide a clip just two or three frames, using the mouse may be difficult.
For precision edits, it is much less cumbersome to slide a clip numerically.

To slide a clip in the Timeline using timecode:


Select the Slide tool in the Tool palette (or press the S key twice).


Select a clip in the Timeline, or hold down the Shift key to select multiple clips. You can
also select noncontiguous clips using the Command key.

Tip: You can slide multiple clips at once. However, if one of the clips cannot be slid,
then none of them are moved.


Do one of the following:

 Type + (plus) or – (minus) and the number of frames to slide, then press Return.

 Press [ (left bracket) or < (left angle bracket) to slide the clip one frame to the left.
 Press ] (right bracket) or > (right angle bracket) to slide the clip one frame to

the right.

 Press Shift-[ or Shift-< to slide the clip a default number of frames to the left.
 Press Shift-] or Shift-> to slide the clip a default number of frames to the right.

This clip is longer.

This clip’s duration
is the same.

This clip is shorter.

The timecode entry field
shows the duration of
the slide.

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Chapter 18

Performing Slip, Slide, Ripple, and Roll Edits



Note: You can specify the default number of frames to trim by changing the
Multi-Frame Trim Size setting in the General tab of the User Preferences window.
(For more information, see Volume IV, Chapter 23, “Choosing Settings and Preferences.”)