Trimming the Duration of a Transition
When you move the pointer to either edge of a transition in the Transition Editor, it
changes to a Resize pointer. You can then change the duration of the transition,
depending on how much clip overlap is available.
To change the duration of a transition:
Open the transition in the Transition Editor.
Do one of the following:
 Enter a new duration in the Timecode Duration field, then press Return.
 Drag the beginning or end of the transition to the desired length. When you do this
to a transition centered at the edit point, both sides of the transition change
duration, but the edit point itself doesn’t move.
The start point of the
transition in the
outgoing clip
The end point
of the transition
in the incoming clip
Drag either end of the transition
to the desired length.
Part III
Fine-Tuning Your Edit