Pros and Cons of Nested Sequences
Before you start using nested sequences in your project, it’s important to understand
some of the advantages and disadvantages of working with them.
 Nesting allows you to reuse an entire sequence of clips over and over. You can
change a nested sequence and the changes are reflected everywhere.
 Multiple levels of sequence nesting can take a while to display, since they require
additional processing.
 If you are exporting an EDL, nested sequences may generate confusing timecode
numbers and reel names.
 If you are exporting an OMF file, nested sequences will be mixed together and
exported as a single audio media file.
 Nested sequences make media management more complicated.
If you decide you don’t want to nest a sequence, you can still edit content from one
sequence to another. For more information, see “
Editing the Content of One Sequence
into Another Without Nesting It
” on page 422.