Selecting Fonts and Creating Line Art for Video
When creating line art or selecting a font to use for a broadcast video image, you
should avoid creating horizontal single-pixel lines or using fonts that are too thin.
Because video is interlaced, horizontal lines that have a height of a single pixel will
flicker as the field in which they appear alternates on and off. This causes a distracting
shimmering in your graphics, with the shimmering becoming more pronounced the
closer thin areas in your image are to horizontal. For more information, see “
and Choosing Fonts
” on page 472.
Flickering horizontal lines can be mitigated by adding a bit of blur or anti-aliasing to
your image, causing the lines to subtly spread out over more than one line. However,
the best thing to do is to avoid single-pixel lines altogether when creating graphics
for broadcast.

Chapter 18
Working with Freeze Frames and Still Images