Final Cut Pro 6 - Setting Up and Capturing Media to an OfflineRT Format

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Setting Up and Capturing Media to an OfflineRT Format

Before you capture, you need to choose an appropriate OfflineRT format for offline-quality
editing in Final Cut Pro.

To prepare your project for capturing media to an OfflineRT format:


Choose an OfflineRT Easy Setup that corresponds to the standard or your original
footage (NTSC or PAL) and frame rate.

OfflineRT Easy Setups are named with the following conventions:

 Video standard: NTSC or PAL
 Frame rate: The frame rate is included in the name of an OfflineRT Easy Setup when

nonstandard frame rates are used, such as 23.98 fps for NTSC video.

 Anamorphic: Choose an anamorphic Easy Setup if you shot your original footage with

an anamorphic lens or the anamorphic (16:9) setting selected on your camcorder.

For information about choosing an Easy Setup, see Volume 1, Chapter 11, “Connecting
DV Video Equipment.”

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Part I

Media and Project Management