Final Cut Pro 6 - Only Use Transitions in Track V1

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Only Use Transitions in Track V1

A superimposed video track, or any track other than V1, is called a key track in an EDL.
Only one key track can be in an EDL, so information for V1 and V2 tracks only appears
in an exported EDL. Transitions in V2 are not allowed in EDLs and are ignored. As an
alternative, you can use opacity keyframes in V2 and export Video Level notes in
your EDL.

Opacity keyframes in the Timeline are translated into values and locations and are
listed as the Key Level in notes in the exported EDL. These values are based on the
timecode of the master tape and are used by a video switcher. Some online systems
can translate these values for automatic use by some switchers, but more commonly
the values are only used as notes for the editor to use in an online session.