Main Final Cut Pro XML Elements
This section describes some of the main elements of the Final Cut Pro XML Interchange
Format. Here is an example of a simple Final Cut Pro XML file. The code below
represents a Browser clip whose media file is offline.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xmeml>
<xmeml version="4">
<name>Coffee house wide shot</name>
Part II
Project Interchange
An explanation of the sample code above follows.
Every Final Cut Pro XML file requires the first three elements:
 <?xml> element: This defines the document as an XML file. The example above
shows an <?xml> element with two attributes: version and encoding.
 <!DOCTYPE> element: Every XML document requires a Document Type Definition, or
DTD. The DTD for the Final Cut Pro XML Interchange File Format is called xmeml.
 <xmeml> element: This is the root element of every Final Cut Pro XML file. Every
document should end with a closing </xmeml> tag.
The <clip> element defines a Browser clip in Final Cut Pro. The <clip> element above
contains the following elements:
 <name> element: This is the name of the clip.
 <duration> element: This is the duration of the clip, in frames.
 <rate> element: This is the frame rate of the clip. The <rate> element contains a
<timebase> element that determines the clip’s frame rate and an <ntsc> element
that determines whether the clip frame rate is actually 29.97 fps or 30 fps.
For a complete list of Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format elements, see the
documentation for the Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format at