Device Settings Tab
The Device Settings tab is a convenient location for choosing a device control preset
that’s compatible with your output deck. You can also choose a device control
preset automatically by choosing a different Easy Setup.
Master tape timecode
Leader element
30 seconds
Color bars and tone
60 seconds
10 seconds
Slate (for broadcast or audio
post facility)
Black (for dubbing)
10 seconds
Countdown with 2-pop
10 seconds
Program start
Duration depends on movie
If necessary, choose
device control and
capture settings from
the pop-up menus.
Chapter 14
Assemble and Insert Editing Using Edit to Tape
 Device Control: Choose a device control preset that matches your particular video
equipment. For more information, see Chapter 26, “
Device Control
Settings and Presets
,” on page 349.
 Capture/Input: This pop-up menu is exclusively used when you show video in the
Edit to Tape window during the preview of an insert edit. This allows you to see what
the edit will look like on tape, including the video before the tape In point and video
after the tape Out point, without actually committing the edit to tape. During the
pre-roll and post-roll of the preview, you see video from tape displayed in
Final Cut Pro. Between the tape In and Out points, you see the video output from
Final Cut Pro. To successfully see video from the tape before and after the edit, you
need to choose corresponding input settings. Since preview editing involves
temporary video input, capture presets are used.
For more information about capture presets, see Chapter 25, “
Capture Settings and
,” on page 339.
Note: Despite the name of this pop-up menu, you are not actually capturing footage.
When you preview an insert edit to tape, you’re viewing what’s already on tape
during the pre-roll and post-roll periods of the edit. The only way to preview your
edits with material before and after your edit is to view, or “capture,” material that’s
on the tape.