Final Cut Pro 6 - Changing System Settings

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Changing System Settings

Settings apply to capture, sequence, rendering, real time, output, hardware, and format
configurations in Final Cut Pro. Once you set up for a particular video format and
device, these settings are adjusted relatively infrequently. There are several places you
can modify settings in Final Cut Pro:

 System Settings: The System Settings window covers a wide variety of settings,

mainly related to the computer setup you are using and how Final Cut Pro interacts
with it. System settings affect the fundamental components of your Final Cut Pro
system, such as scratch disk assignment, memory usage, and real-time playback
options via software or third-party hardware. For more information, continue
reading this section.

 Audio/Video Settings and Easy Setups: For more information, see Chapter 24, “


Video Settings and Easy Setups

,” on page 323.

 Sequence Settings: For more information, see Chapter 27, “

Sequence Settings and


,” on page 361 and Volume I, Chapter 9, “Timeline Basics.”

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Chapter 23

Choosing Settings and Preferences



To open System Settings:


Choose Final Cut Pro > System Settings.

The System Settings window is divided into several tabs:

 Scratch Disks tab
 Search Folders tab
 Memory & Cache tab
 Playback Control tab
 External Editors tab
 Effect Handling tab